Untitled (March 2020 - June 2020)
2020 / 5.1ch DCP 1:2.39 / 20min
Country : Japan/Australia/Taiwan
Produce and Directed by Takashi Makino
Music by Lawrence English http://www.lawrenceenglish.com/
Text and Voice by Esperanza Collado http://www.esperanzacollado.net/
Noise and surround sound edit by Takashi Makino
Sound mix by Iwao Yamazaki (Atelier Himawari)
“Untitled" is a collage film that combines the image and sound by Takashi Makino, the music by Lawrence English, and the automatic writing text by Esperanza Collado, which were produced between March and June 2020 when the first attack of Coronavirus began to hit the world.
For the first time in a my work, a clear "language" is used.
The image projected on the screen, the image imagined inside the viewer, and the memory evoked by words repeat reflections with reality, and organically connecting us and this real world’s situation.
Takashi Makino 25 July 2020